Forth Chance

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“I am the laird, and I am the law”… Lord Micheal Forth has had his share of wives, three to be exact. Though he tried his best, none of them outlived their marriages. One died in childbirth, one of illness, and the third took her own life. Micheal is convinced he is cursed, destined to live his life without an heir and turns to drink to drown his sadness and despair. His brother, Urban, does not believe his brother cursed, and invites him to visit the neighboring clan and rieve some cattle. When they reach the neighboring land, they find more than they sought—a girl danced alone in the meadow and Micheal had to have her. Stealing cattle is one thing, stealing people is quite another. Does his captive have the qualities he needs to succeed in marriage, or is she a village maid who he should return to her poor family?

Action / Romance
4.8 5 reviews
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Chapter 1

Start writing here…

Further Recommendations

Dotty Ambardi: I enjoy reading this book. Interesting plot, some scenes are funny. Good writing. Sentences are easy to understand for me (English isn't my first language). Thanks for sharing this book.

beggsy71: Well that was fucking HOT 🔥

Blue-Jae: Loved the story. Had me laughing my ass off and getting crazy looks from my family. My favorite parts are when she glitches and when he was turned into a giant pink bunny.

Kayleigh Marie: Wish there could be more in their story

user-kPhxKIzSax: As a longtime urban fantasy reader, I was skeptical about reading erotic sci-fi, but this story pulled me in quickly. It is fast past and the world building is believable. Couldn’t put it down.

Annelorenzen: ... there are so so so many typos and errors, I wonder why the author doesn't use a proofreader.

Jutta: Würde dieses Buch empfehlen, 😸

Sandra: Sehr gut geschrieben. Vor allem die lustigen Stellen waren toll.

More Recommendations

Hellis.BuecherLand: Eine wunderschöne Geschichte, die alles beinhaltet: Liebe, Glück, Freude, Trauer und vor allem Leidenschaft. Würde ich sofort wieder lesen!

Zinhle: It's fast paced and thrilling all in all its an awesome book 😍🤩

Arucca: Es hat mir ganz gut gefallen. Auser alle Stellen die mit dem alten Rudel von Skara *bunny Alpha Rento ....* zutun hatten und mir Gewalt zutun hatten. Alles andere fand ich cool. Nur doof Fass es ein offenes Ende gibt....

Kathleen: Wunderbar geschrieben, eine mega tolle story und spannend von anfang bis Ende. Weiter so! Gerne mehr <3

jadee: Ich empfehle es jedem der eine wunderschöne Werwölfgeschiche mag,de überzeugt geschrieben ist und das Herz erwärmt. Mal ganz anders geschrieben nicht so überzogen. Super Charaktere. Ich liebe es.

A: Ich liebe die Geschichte und bin auf die Fortsetzung gespannt

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