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Shore - Part 1: Taking Command

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Lieutenant Michael Shore never thought he would rise to command his own vessel so quickly; nor could he ever have imagined that the fate of the British Empire would come to rest in his hands. Shore - Part I: Taking Command is the first of a trilogy of mystery/adventure novels set during the Seven Years War/French & Indian War of the 18th Century. The main character is a British Royal Navy officer who was born in the American colonies and never saw himself as upwardly mobile due to his colonial upbringing and his unfamiliarity with the mother country. Strangely, he is rapidly promoted to his own command by one of the Lords of the Admiralty and entrusted with a strange mission which is shrouded in secrecy. With the aid of his hand-picked crew of officers and men aboard HMS Philadelphia, Shore gradually comes to understand the importance of the task set before him. The strange disappearance of a British government official in Nassau leads to a voyage filled with intrigue, investigation and danger all around the Caribbean. This culminates in a race to prevent a terrible conspiracy which undermines the hold of the Crown on its colonial possessions and threatens to fatally turn the tides of war against the British Empire. A host of secondary themes abound in this work: class disparities and prejudices, leadership, teamwork, and trust to name but a few.

Adventure / Mystery
5.0 8 reviews
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Hostilities between Great Britain and France have raged in colonial America for three years - a struggle which would become known in that part of the world as the French and Indian War. It is but one theater of a much larger conflict in which both nations are fighting across the globe. This includes Europe itself, where allies of both sides are also fighting one another to maintain their own interests. Spain has thus far remained a neutral spectator in every way. The Seven Years War, as it will come to be known, will be recognized as one of the first true world wars in human history.

At this period of time, warfare is still in many respects a gentlemanly pursuit. Any man who has distinguished himself to the point of becoming a commissioned military officer, regardless of family background, is generally recognized as a gentleman. Such men would be expected to uphold certain tenets of proper behavior and always act with honor. The honor of a gentleman is worth more than gold itself...

An officer in the British Royal Navy, a young man born in the North American colonies, is about to learn of the part he will play, for better or worse, in the escalating confrontation...

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BlackWind_FireandSteel: Sehr schöne, romantische und spannende Lovestory. Sehr schön geschrieben und dementsprechend leicht zu lesen. Vielen Dank für diese wunderschöne Geschichte 🤗

marie: Ich liebe es deine Geschichten zu lesen

Tracey: Omg what a brilliant story your such a gifted writer I’m straight on to book two

Elgin Ruth: Es ist spannend und fesselnd geschrieben. Man kann es nicht weglegen. Eine sehr gute Geschichte und es gibt kein durcheinander.

Kelly: The story is interesting so far

Susanne Baumann: Ein sehr gutes Buch für alle die wolfswandler Romane lieben .An der Rechtschreibung die aber auch Tippfehler sein könnten darf man sich nicht stören

Maria: Em geral todo o livro e muito bom. Gostaria de mais livros assimMaria

Bartosz_Siemiatkowski: I thought I was too old for a story like this but I was wrong. I really recommend it, especially for autumn evenings. 👍

Barnesishere: Fände die Story super gut, das Brady eine starke Persönlichkeit und auch unerschrocken dem neuen zugeht fand ich auch abwechslungsreich zu anderen ähnlichen Storys, weiter so hoffe es kommen noch mehr Stories vom Autor.

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mashalmmtibbetts: Thank goodness for an Author who believes in happy endings! Thanks for letting us share your beautiful story! Please keep writing!🥰

Cora&Andreas: Ich finde es sehr interessant und spannend. Es macht Spaß es zu lesen.....

user-5azH8Q6n91: When is the next chapter going to be released??? Anxiously waiting, apparently everyone has been for at least 6 months now

keelsamerie: Amazing job. I loved how you used the trauma of Jessica as well as the pain to cultivate it into something beautiful and loving. You are very talented! .

Deleted User: This story is beautifully written and I can’t wait for the updatekeep up the good work ❤️😊

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