Finding Eliza and Elliot

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Eliza lived with her three brothers and her mum and dad until she was four. She was a ray of sunshine that her brothers and father adored. She was known as sunshine. Her mother, Annabelle never wanted her own children. She never liked children and didn't have a maternal bone in her body. She had married Elliot as he had three boys who were older which suited her fine. Elliot was one of two children to rich parents however he had become a detective. He loved his job a lot and his children. When Ethan his eldest son came to him about Annabelle being pregnant and wanting an abortion he knew what he had to do. He promised Annabelle anything her heart desired as long as she didn't abort the child she was carrying. Annabelle birthed a baby girl who Elliot named Eliza. His sons, Ethan 17 at the time of Eliza's birth and twins Elijah and Eddie aged 15 would care for Eliza of a night time when Elliot went to work. Annabelle never cared for the girl and was not interested. The boys never minded at all, they loved their baby sister. When Elliot was shot dead on the job the boys lost everything. They lost their father and their sister all at once. Ethan was 21 and the twins 19 were absolutely devastated. Annabelle was furious when her husband left his entire estate to his children. She was left nothing and couldn't access Eliza's inheritance until the girl turned 18.

Drama / Children
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Eliza's POV

Three years ago my father died and I was taken by Annabelle from the only home I have ever known. I was taken as punishment, for what I didn't know. I was four at the time and had never spent a lot of time with Annabelle. Yes, she birthed me but over the last three years, she made it very clear that she was not my mother at all. She also made it clear that my older brothers never wanted me. I didn't blame them, I was a useless piece of garbage. I couldn't even care for my baby brother properly according to Annabelle.

I'm currently sitting in the children's hospital with a social worker who I refuse to speak to. Why? Well if I tell her what's happening at my home, I'll get a bigger punishment. You see my mother threw me across the room when I couldn't get Elliot to settle. Elliot is my brother he is two years old and I think he is getting more teeth. Elliot is in my arms and I refuse to let go of him.

The social worker is getting angry with me and the doctor is getting angry with her. You see the doctor was here last night when I was brought in by ambulance. My neighbours must have heard the glass smashing when I was thrown into the cabinet. Apparently, she found the door open and me passed out on the floor with cuts all over my arms. My mother took off like usual and Elliot was curled up in a ball on my lap. Apparently, I had split my head open and had glass sticking out my shoulder.

Elliot and I were brought here and I was cleaned up. I had told the doctor to check Elliot because he had been really hot. Turned out he had a high temperature. It was my fault that I hadn't given him some medicine to bring it down and that's why Annabelle did what she did. You see I begged her not to give my brother away when he was born and I named him Elliot after my daddy. I had explained everything to the doctor and he had called the grumpy social worker. She was now trying to find somewhere for us to go and no one knew where Annabelle went. I knew she would be back in a few days so I didn't see what the problem was.

"I found an older brother" the social worker declared. I just rolled my eyes. I knew he didn't want me either so I didn't know why she sounded excited. The doctor was now trying to take Elliot from me so I couldn't focus on Mrs grumpy and her phone call. I held onto Elliot like there was no tomorrow because no one could take him away from me. I promised him, that he and I were going to be ok as long as we had each other.

"Eliza, I just want to take Elliot's temperate. I'm not going to hurt him" the doctor stated. I just glared at him. You see I trusted him and he told the grumpy social worker and now I was going to be in trouble. "You aren't in trouble and I promise I won't take Elliot from you" the doctor stated. Elliot was looking at me with his big baby blue eyes to make sure he was safe. I smiled at my baby brother to show him we were ok. I didn't want him to start crying again.

The doctor checked Elliot and deemed him fine. His temperate had settled through the night and he was happy as long as he was in my arms or eating. He was a good kid, and never made a lot of noise or mess. He followed me everywhere which meant he was safe from Annabelle because I stayed away from her while Elliot was awake. He had been slapped a few times when I wasn't fast enough to get him out of her way. It was my job to care for him and I did as well as homeschooling myself. Annabelle would drop a packet of work every few months that I would have to do before sending it off. Homeschooling got her more money which is why she did it.

The doctor then checked me out. I had a few stitches in my head and my shoulder but I would be ok. I was a little underweight and height for my age but that was because I gave most of my food to Elliot. He was a big boy and loved his food. I didn't mind though, but it was hard to carry him for long periods. I hadn't grown much since I was four and Elliot was almost my size. I think he weighed about 10kgs less than me.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Mrs grumpy herself. "Your brother agreed to take you both. Seems he had no idea about the baby though. We have to fly to Sydney tonight. He has booked the flights and will meet us at the airport. Get your brother and let's go we only have two hours before our flight" Mrs Grumpy stated. I just rolled my eyes at the woman, she was only doing her job but I guess I was no longer her problem.

Elliot and I were loaded into Mrs Grumpy's car and we were speeding towards the airport. I hadn't even had a chance to put my seatbelt on at all. Elliot was staring at me with tears in his eyes, he had never been in a car before and I didn't want this to be his last time either. I was glaring at the stupid woman who had no consideration for our safety at all.

I had to carry Elliot through the busy airport with Mrs Grumpy dragging me by the arm till we got to the gate. On the plane, she put her headphones in and went straight to sleep. I had to care for Elliot myself which I didn't mind but she forgot to give me my painkillers for my head and my back. The flight attendants helped with providing food and also nappies because I couldn't reach the bag in the overhead luggage compartment. Poor Elliot didn't like flying and to be honest, neither did I. It hurt my ears but I had to be strong for Elliot.

Further Recommendations

Sabrina: Très belle histoire très bien écrite mais j'aurais aimé que Gabriella ce laisse moins faire

Paula: Belle histoire....trame recommande vivement la lecture de ce livre

K: The grammar was very good and the story have some nice comedic points. The characters are well developed and the plot is compelling. A good read.

Lea: I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS STORY. Is it finished ???? It is intense, loving, heart breaking, and so real.

Anel: El sabia lo que buscaba al comprar un Omega para hacerlo parte de su vida , la vida es tan sorprendente

Mika: there were a handful of spelling mistakes near the start, but otherwise it's just as good, in my opinion, as much bigger authors

Tania: One of the best reads so far. Please make a part 2.

Vickypcas: I love the story but it can't end there! We need at least to know how he propose and how wonderful the wedding day and night go!!! 😅😂

Moana Rawlinson: It has on hold till Jan 2025, it's now Feb is this ever going to be finished?

More Recommendations

Eduarda: Me ah gustado absolutamente este libro solo q tiene algunas facetas de ortografía pero bueno de lo errores se aprende

Juanita: Beautifully written. ♥️

maripaz: Hermosa historia, amé cada capítulo. La química que crea entre ambos es lo mejor y el epílogo fue como un abrazo calido que alegra el corazón

nightowl71672: I mostly read fantasy (werewolves, lycans and demons and such) but I was looking for something short and sweet! I love this book, kind of sad that she lost her mom but still a really sweet story!! Very few errors too! Anyway off to share, please keep writing

DC07: Very nice and heart warming story. Never stop dreaming , live our life as we please and never allow anyone to take control of our own life. Reily Jo is a perfect example for this. Really like your way of writting and all the best for all your work.

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