Second Life Roulette

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Have you ever wondered what happens in your second life? How would you live it? Who would you meet? What would you do to reach Paradise? Can you save your fellow Second Lifers? Watch Ciel try then. Ciel is a Second Lifer - someone who has died tragically in her first life, only to be reborn in the Second Life. Along with others who have experienced similar things in their first lives, Ciel must solve four puzzles in order to lead her friends to Paradise, a gated community where Second Lifers can live peacefully and safely. Amongst the Second Lifers is Nate, a young musician and internet sensation who becomes Ciel's shoulder to cry on if it gets too hard. But Ciel learns that nothing is easy, not even in the Second Life.

Drama / Other
Holly Flaherty
Age Rating:

Ciel, Second Lifer

Ciel felt her eyes open. Instead of a white light or complete darkness, she saw the rustic roof of what could be a bunker. This was not what she expected. The last thing she remembered was the gloomy sky crying heavily on the night she was shot.

'I should be dead right now. In that gutter. This can't be Heaven or Hell. Wait, am I in Purgatory?' Ciel wondered. If Heaven and Hell really did exist, then so should Purgatory after all.

Deep down, Ciel could feel her heart still beating steadily, stronger than ever. Slowly, she sat up and observed her surroundings.

Ciel realised that she was definitely in a bunker that was rustic, sturdy and spacious. It was strewn with many beds, chests at the feet of the beds and drawers. Each bed was marked with a plaque that read the names of different people. One or two of the beds had empty plaques.

The plaque on the bed she had regained consciousness on read 'Ciel Walker'. Yep, that was her name alright.

The neighbouring bed to Ciel's plaque read 'Nate S.' From the teal green bass guitar sticking out of the chest at the foot of the bed, Ciel guessed that 'Nate' was a musician of sorts.

Ciel swore that the bed opposite hers read 'Christina G.' Didn't a Christina G. die tragically a few weeks before? Was this where the dead really go?

Ciel was snapped out of her trance when the door squeaked open. Revealing a dark-haired boy with black, thick glasses. He wore a green chequered shirt, jeans and black sneakers.

"Oh, you're awake huh? Welp, gotta introduce myself then. I'm Nate. And you're in the Second Life." the boy stated.

Further Recommendations

Jessica ADOU: J’adore ce livre surtout Liam, très belle histoire. Je vous le recommande

andrerouss: Good book. Kept me reading non-stop until I was done. .

Monica: I love this book and I will let my sisters know to read it

schommarzr: Wow, such a nice heartwarming story. Wonderful characters with a nice story line. A perfect story for a relaxed Sunday morning in bed with a cup of coffee. I will look up the other books written by this author.

Hellobbtuh : I really liked the ending, and would def recommend

rebecca: Saying that the storyline is good but needs work but with this being your first time I will say I think you have what it takes keep going

schommarzr: Well written with lots of emotional and exciting times. The story has a good story line. One lives in the character and experiences each moment.

nightowl71672: I mostly read fantasy (werewolves, lycans and demons and such) but I was looking for something short and sweet! I love this book, kind of sad that she lost her mom but still a really sweet story!! Very few errors too! Anyway off to share, please keep writing

More Recommendations

Kimk2191: Loving itThe whole series.

Tanja: Eine tolle Story mit viel Potenzial. Allerdings viel zuviele Schreibfehler. Wenn es technisch nochmal überarbeitet wird, gibt's definitiv auch mehr Sterne.

Laura: Me ha encantado la historia de principio a fin. Hubiera querido conocer más de Sebastián y que tuviera su final feliz también

Royelle: This book is such a good read with plenty mystery and romance. I can't wait to see how it ends. I'll read more books from this author.

DC07: Very nice and heart warming story. Never stop dreaming , live our life as we please and never allow anyone to take control of our own life. Reily Jo is a perfect example for this. Really like your way of writting and all the best for all your work.

Analinda Ahybet: Me gusto muchísimo esta historia. De verdad logró mantener mi suspenso. Gracias Autora.

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