BE MY MAN! {Book 2 of SONI series}

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Tahira is a 25, professional lawyer, and Aarav Soni is a 28, billionaire and dark-world Mobster. When Tahira wishes for genuine love, little did she know her wish is going to be true through charismatic and mysterious Aarav? She doesn’t expect him to appear so suddenly in her deserted life. They can’t ignore the chemistry and growing feelings between them, but life is never that simple. What happens when fate has bigger plans?

Erotica / Romance
Cupid's Canvas
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Tahira Pov

“Actually…I…I…Ah…Hmm…I think we should go home,” I say clearing my throat.

I can’t believe I am stammering why I am feeling like this. I haven’t done anything wrong. Okay, hiding something is probably count as a wrong thing. He pass me a room key, no.16. I mean seriously what’s wrong with him and what he is thinking?

“Go in the room, I will join you in a while.” He says coldly.

“No, I will not, we need to go home, Aarav” I let out firmly this time.

“You better don’t argue on this or I will vacant this whole fucking hotel right now. So that we can have a private talk.” He says in a commanding voice and I swallow hard.

“FINE!” I grin my teeth disappointedly and walk out of the place. I really don’t want any drama in public. I hate it so much, for the first time I curse why he has that fucking aura, power, and authority.

I step into the room and set on the edge of the bed, desperately waiting for him. After a 10 minutes break he step in with a bad guy look. His white shirt sleeves are rolled up revealing the tattoo on his hands, I remember he was wearing a blazer before but now it’s not on his torso anymore, I can smell the cigar. He did smoke before stepping into the room. I hate smokers, he just walks straight ignoring my gaze taking his seat on the couch and pouring whisky in the glass. My pulse rates are flowing like waves right now. He looks angry like full of rage. The last I saw him like this was at Bilal’s house and I don’t like the way he punishes people, because he took a life as a punishment. I agree few people deserve it for sure but I am not one of them at least today.

“Why you haven’t told me about Jag before?” He asks holding the glass and looking at me.

“It’s not like what you…you…thi…think…” I let out. Damn again my voice shaking what’s wrong with me.

“Don’t make me ask you again, Tahira” He warns me.

He demanded in a rough tone that seems to make the hairs on my skin stand at attention. I feel frozen. Aarav is usually a gentleman. This is not happening and fear grip my chest as memories from my past with Jag tried to seep into my mind.

“Because I don’t want to. I mean I was scared and I thought to handle this by myself, so I did.” I let out as calmly as possible.

Hello people,

I hope you love the Prologue, because I have enjoyed it a lot while writing. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section! Happy Reading!

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ginajohnson1983: Sehr spannende Geschichte und angenehmer Schreibstil! Konnte nicht aufhören zu lesen.

Dotty Ambardi: I enjoy reading this book. Interesting plot, some scenes are funny. Good writing. Sentences are easy to understand for me (English isn't my first language). Thanks for sharing this book.

Chrissy Mangrum: Very well written and interesting. The characters are well structured and believable. I have enjoyed it very much.

Blue-Jae: Loved the story. Had me laughing my ass off and getting crazy looks from my family. My favorite parts are when she glitches and when he was turned into a giant pink bunny.

Shari: The story line is quite interesting.

antwiina47: I would love more updates... I want to know how the story ends

jeandinnadine: Merci pour votre livre.

Quirina: Die Geschichte war sehr interessant und fesselnd.Ich konnte nicht aufhören zu lesen.Mach weiter so!

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Annelorenzen: ... there are so so so many typos and errors, I wonder why the author doesn't use a proofreader.

Zinhle: It's fast paced and thrilling all in all its an awesome book 😍🤩

Luisa Kunze: Gute Story aber bischen viele Rechtschreibfehler was ein paar Wörter betrifft

Suzie Q: I love this book I definitely would recommend and I’ll probably read again. I read this book in less than 24 hours and it’s so good.

Kathleen: Wunderbar geschrieben, eine mega tolle story und spannend von anfang bis Ende. Weiter so! Gerne mehr <3

A: Ich liebe die Geschichte und bin auf die Fortsetzung gespannt

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