Meet Me For Coffee

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Kate has sex on the brain, but she wasn't expecting to find it over coffee.

Erotica / Romance
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Chapter 1

Lately, I’ve been seeing sex everywhere. I’ve never felt so insatiable or reached this level of desperation. My pussy throbs all day long and it keeps me up at night as I masturbate multiple times before finally falling asleep.

I feel self-conscious that my thoughts must be apparent. People I work with, other parents at daycare pick up, and strangers I pass on the street must know my dirty secret. They have to notice me squirming and blushing all the time. If I were a man, I’d be walking around with a raging hard-on all day.

Sometimes I touch myself in the car as I drive, stuck in traffic, peering into the cars around me and trying to meet eyes with… anyone, wondering if there might be someone else out there thinking about it and wanting it as much as I do. I think about how easy it would be to find sex if I was really looking, and how tempting it is to take that step, to seek a little excitement with anyone, anywhere. I fantasize about putting a sign in the rear windshield of my car that says, “Want to fuck? Follow me!” and luring strangers to come and give me what I need.

Every time I close my eyes, one fantasy or another is always at the tip of my imagination. For the past few weeks, it’s felt like I cranked my arousal level up to max and then broke off the lever. There’s no turning it off. The blush on my cheeks is a permanent stain.

And yet, when I got hit on at the coffee shop this afternoon, I was completely caught off guard, convinced that my raging libido was clouding my reality. Especially since I was sitting there working on a story, an erotic account of a recent fantasy I’d had.

I was so wrapped up in it I didn’t even notice the guy until he stood across the table from me and asked, “Is this seat taken?”

At first, I hardly looked up as I answered, “No, go ahead, take it,” and waved him away.

But he didn’t take the chair or go away. I sensed him still standing there and finally looked up, annoyed by the interruption.

But the guy just smiled down at me. A fucking handsome smile at that, one that seemed to light up his face and put a spark in his warm, kind brown eyes. It caught me off guard.

“I meant to ask if I could join you?” he tried again.

I looked around, noting there were at least two unoccupied tables.

He saw me notice and added, “You just looked so intensely focused on whatever you’re working on. I felt like I had to come and see what you’re up to.”

My cheeks and neck burned, making me feel totally transparent, and suddenly paranoid that he might’ve been reading over my shoulder without me noticing. I searched his face for any sign of teasing, but only found sincerity.

“Sure,” I finally replied, uneasily.

He sat down across from me, still smiling, causing me to blush harder. “Are you working?”

“I’m just writing a story,” I answered simply.

“Oh, nice. What kind of writing do you do?”

“Fiction, mostly.”

It wasn’t totally a lie. More acceptable than the complete truth when speaking to a complete stranger.

“Very cool. Do you have anything published?”

“No, it’s more of a hobby.”

“Well, if it’s got you this focused, I’m sure it’ll be worth sharing when you’re finished,” he smiled.

I felt the all-too-familiar blush creeping higher into my cheeks as I offered a small smile back.

“Anyway, I don’t mean to interrupt. I can let you get back to it,” he offered, getting back up and making me wonder yet again if he was teasing me.

Some urge came over me then, to not let him walk away. I knew it was an opening I’d been waiting for, and yet, the whole interaction felt like a product of my crazy, lust-driven imagination.

“I was going to head out soon anyway,” I said before he could get more than a couple of steps away. “You can have the table. Or you could walk me to the bus stop?”

He smiled back and nodded. “Yeah, sure.”

I packed up my things slowly, trying to take a minute to build up courage.

He led the way out of the coffee shop, holding the door for me as I stepped out into the warm afternoon air. I pointed right to direct him toward the bus stop I needed, and we started walking.

“I’m Graham, by the way,” he said first.

“Kate,” I told him.

“Ok, Kate, tell me more about this story you’re writing.”

I laughed a little to cover up my awkwardness.

“Well, it’s about a woman who’s been feeling unfulfilled, and thinking about making changes in her life,” I answered vaguely.

“Unfulfilled,” he repeated thoughtfully. “How so?”

I shrugged, fighting off the embarrassed smile on the corners of my lips. I felt a sudden need to tell the truth bubbling up inside me, and I decided to spit it out before I had the chance to second-guess it. “Mainly sexually.”

Graham’s eyes snapped to mine. “Oh, yeah?”

I met his gaze, feigning the confidence I wanted to feel, and nodded. “It’s kind of autobiographical, actually.”

He froze up a little, missing a step as we walked, and I slowed my pace to match his.

“So, what changes is your character thinking about making?” he asked, playing along.

“Well, she’s thinking about what could happen if she gave herself permission to go after what she really wants.”

Graham slowed as we neared the bus stop, turning to face me.

I stepped closer until there were mere inches between us, still looking up slightly, to meet his eyes.

“And what does she want, exactly?” Graham asked, his voice noticeably lower, deeper.

I glanced around before looking back at him and answering, lowering my voice as well. “She really just wants to be fucked. By almost anyone, even a complete stranger.”

Graham swallowed.

Just then, the bus rumbled towards the stop. We both turned to look. In my peripheral vision, I saw Graham turn back to me first. I took an extra moment before meeting his gaze again, giving us each a chance to decide if we could actually take things further, or if I would get on the bus as planned.

“I drove here. My car is parked just around the block that way,” Graham shared, pointing past the coffee shop to the next block.

I watched as the bus came to a stop; the doors opening near us. While others around us at the stop filed on, I pretended to contemplate my decision. I bit my lip, trying to hide my growing smirk.

When the bus doors closed again, Graham smiled back. Then, he took my hand and said, “C’mon,” as he started leading me back the way we came, at a much faster pace this time.

Further Recommendations

ginajohnson1983: Sehr spannende Geschichte und angenehmer Schreibstil! Konnte nicht aufhören zu lesen.

Dotty Ambardi: I enjoy reading this book. Interesting plot, some scenes are funny. Good writing. Sentences are easy to understand for me (English isn't my first language). Thanks for sharing this book.

Chrissy Mangrum: Very well written and interesting. The characters are well structured and believable. I have enjoyed it very much.

Blue-Jae: Loved the story. Had me laughing my ass off and getting crazy looks from my family. My favorite parts are when she glitches and when he was turned into a giant pink bunny.

Shari: The story line is quite interesting.

antwiina47: I would love more updates... I want to know how the story ends

jeandinnadine: Merci pour votre livre.

Quirina: Die Geschichte war sehr interessant und fesselnd.Ich konnte nicht aufhören zu lesen.Mach weiter so!

More Recommendations

Annelorenzen: ... there are so so so many typos and errors, I wonder why the author doesn't use a proofreader.

Zinhle: It's fast paced and thrilling all in all its an awesome book 😍🤩

Luisa Kunze: Gute Story aber bischen viele Rechtschreibfehler was ein paar Wörter betrifft

Suzie Q: I love this book I definitely would recommend and I’ll probably read again. I read this book in less than 24 hours and it’s so good.

Kathleen: Wunderbar geschrieben, eine mega tolle story und spannend von anfang bis Ende. Weiter so! Gerne mehr <3

A: Ich liebe die Geschichte und bin auf die Fortsetzung gespannt

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