

An exciting fanfiction about Clint and Natasha's relationship. Begins during Iron Man 2 and I made up my own scenes in between and after the Avengers. No explicit sex, but implied adult themes.

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Stay Safe

Natasha POV

"Don't you "Miss Potts" me." Pepper practically spat on my face. "You know what? Ever since you came here-". At that moment, Iron Man and Rhodes came crashing throw the roof cutting off her rant at me.

Well, I thought, Stark certainly knows how to make an entrance. After a few seconds of processing his rather raucous entrance, I told myself focus, you are here for a mission not to watch Stark destroy his house!

I hurried down one of the large corridors of Stark tower to locate his dressing room when no one was looking. I didn't see how he was going to catch me snooping round his house whilst he was fighting his best friend. My stupid short leopard print dress was crawling its way up my thighs as I was trying to sprint through his house to locate the blood toxicity level reader.

I memorised Stark tower when having the briefing on the Helicarrier with Fury. The only people who know I am undercover are Fury, of course, Coulson, Hill and Clint. Barton wasn't actually meant to find out about my mission, but, as usual, he found ways of "accidentally" hearing about the meetings.


I had been listening to Fury talk for about twenty minutes about how I was going to infiltrate Starks building. I knew that I would have to try and get Starks attention using my looks, because honestly it is Tony Stark, what else is he interested in? I would have to do a photo shoot to back up my story and get a new dress. Leopard print - probably the most eye catching for Stark.

At that moment, I noticed a shadow over glide over my chair again. I noticed it earlier, but ignored it trying to listen to Fury ramble on about the arc reactor. I already knew what the shadow was...or rather who.

Clint had a tendency to hide in the ventilation systems. He liked to listen in on my private missions to make sure that I wasn't doing anything that had a high risk. As far as I am aware, I am the only person who knows, but I am sure Coulson does too, because he is just as close with Clint as I am. Maybe I am a bit closer. I check up on his missions, but only because I know that he is incapable of making toast let alone taking down a target. He nearly burnt down my kitchen down.

I don't have any feelings for him. I think. I mean I know he is an attractive person, I am not blind, and he has beautiful eyes that I could just stare into all - STOP! Jesus Romanoff, you are turning into a child. Love is for children. And he doesn't even like you anyway.

"And finally, here is the layout of Mr Starks building in Malibu for you to memorise." Fury's voice brought me back to reality as he shoved a piece of paper highlighting all the other rooms in his house. Man that building had a lot of rooms. A whole room just for donuts...really?

"As always, you are to complete this mission with the upmost secrecy Agent Romanoff. If your cover is blown, then we may not be able to gain the trust of Stark again. We may lose the possibility of having him join The Avengers team. Do not blow your cover! Do I make myself clear?" the Director explained.

"Perfectly clear, Sir" I said.

"Good. Get out." Fury sternly said. Most people would take this as him being rude, but if anything it was polite. If he didn't like you, he would have guards forcibly remove you from your seat. I had no sympathy for the agent who basically told an enemy where the S.H.I.E.L.D. base was. Idiot.

As I stood up to leave, I glanced up at the vent to see Barton gone, but he wasn't fooling me.

I walked across the room and opened the door to leave Hill and Fury to talk about something secretive that I would find out about later when I hack into the SH.I.E.L.D. systems. I walked down the corridor to my living quarters.

I typed in the password to open my door only to find Barton sitting on my chair reading a magazine about archery. I didn't even ask him how he got in.

I shut the door and glared at him. "Stop using the ventilation shafts to spy on me and get into my room." I stated.

"I have no idea what you are talking about he said." he said trying to sound as innocent as possible, but I could see the smirk that was growing on his face.

"Stop watching over me and listening to my mission briefings!" I snapped.

"I'm sorry, but I am just looking out for you. I know what some of your missions are like." He always says that like every mission that I go on I have to seduce the mark, which isn't true...most of the time. I realised now that I had started to pace round the room feeling quite nervous for an unknown reason.

"That doesn't give you the right to spy on me all the time. I don't do it to you."

"You can't say that! I know you hack into S.H.I.E.L.D. to find the next mission I am going to be sent on." I stopped as turned to face him. Damn those air vents.

"I..I only do that to make sure that I know where you are." I said quietly with a stutter at the beginning of my sentence. Wait did I just stutter? Black Widow does not hesitate. Ever. I was getting nervous as he got of the chair and started to walk towards me as I looked down at the ground embarrassed that I had dropped my emotional shield.

"You know that is the same reason that I do it, right? I know you are capable of doing those missions, but I just want to make sure that I can find you." I looked up to find him standing in front of me and stared into his blue eyes finding myself unable to look away. He placed his hands on my shoulders and pulled me into a comforting hug.

I never really hugged people. The only people I have ever hugged were targets and Clint. I nearly properly hugged my targets though. I closed my eyes and tightened my grip. I felt so relaxed in his arms that I almost felt like falling asleep. I felt, for one of the rare moments in my life, safe. I didn't want to leave, but my mission was in a couple of hours time and I needed to go and pack my weapons. Realising that we had nearly stood there for 3 minutes I decided to speak.

"I need to get ready for my mission." I said opening my eyes, because I was nearly lost in the moment with him.

"Stay safe." He whispered into my ear.

"I can't say I will, but I will try." I said as I pulled away from his embrace.

His hands lingered on the top of my arms, as did mine on him, neither of us really wanting to let go. I thought to myself what are you doing? So I stepped back and put my emotionless mask back on. He noticed and I saw one thing in his eyes - disappointment.

I could not tell whether it was the fact that I was leaving him or the fact that I stepped away. I told myself it must be because he has no one to spar with and he will be lonely on his own. He wasn't interested in me and why would he want me anyway?

He smiled sadly and left me to pack. Trying to put the intimate moment of weakness aside, I focused on the task at hand. Stark Industries huh? Can't wait, I thought, dreading what kind of things Stark had lying around his house.

Present day

I wondered whether Clint would care that I am dressed someone who looks like a prostitute trying to sleep with Stark? Come on, stop thinking about Clint and get on with the mission, I thought as I ran up the stairs to the second floor stopping half way up to take of my ridiculous heels.

I reached the second floor and scanned the area for any party guests that hadn't left. The place was clear.

I made my way across the floor to find multiple holes and debris spread across the rooms like a bomb had gone off. I saw the room I needed to find the blood toxicity level reader in and ran towards it. I quickly riffled through the first drawer. Not there. The second one was empty two, but the third one had the technology I was looking for in it.

I attached a USB stick to the reader to upload the information. At that moment, I saw a suit flying away from the tower, which I could only guess was Rhodey.

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! The USB stick signalled to me that the data had been transferred and I quickly made my way out of the room to find Pepper and act like I had no idea what was going on. Half way down the corridor, I leapt quickly out of the way when some falling concrete fell in front of me.

I did a backwards roll and landed on my feet. I couldn't help, but think back to what Hawk had said - 'Stay safe'. Yeah, like a mission to do with Iron Man was ever going to be safe.

Further Recommendations

Amber: Good story, worth reading.

A: Eine Gefährtin finden ist nicht leicht. Das Paar muss bestimmt noch viel durchmachen bevor es zum Happy End kommt.

KisaPrz: Schönes, leichtes Buch! In manchen Situationen bleibt einiges offen, was aber ja für spätere Bücher Themen geben kann.

montgcm: I really like the characters’ complex relationships. The descriptions of the surrounding and how the main character feels

Dominique: Die Geschichte, die Handlung und die Charaktere haben mich von Anfang an fasziniert. Dabei war die Geschichte zum Teil so spannend das ich einfach nicht aufhören konnte zu lesen. Daher bewerte ich diesen Roman auch sehr gerne mit 5 Sternen. Ich würde die Geschichte auch ohne zu zögern einer Freun...

Ngatip: Loved book good story likeable characters,

Irina: Mir gefällt der Roman sehr, ist sehr liebevoll geschrieben

Beanca: Love all the emotions I felt while reading this book, all the funny parts & beautiful parts.I considered myself as a dreamer but this Author has me jealous.Well done.

Sve: Es macht wirklich Spaß es zu passt alles zusammen spannend was die Liebe (ehe eigentlich nur auf Papier)mit sich bringt.Toll geschrieben

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Rtnj: I’m not good at reviews but this is the second story I’ve read by this author and I must say I’m in love! I think I found my favorite author

Coursegoules: So langsam bin ich ein echter MaikeWilmer Fan. Die Bücher sind immer klasse… einfach schön zu lesen. Dieses Buch hier war vielleicht etwas länger aber es lohnte sich auch hier jedes Wort. Die unerwartete Wendung am Ende war spannend. Hoffentlich hast du noch lange Freude am Schreiben so dass ich ...

Kelly: Congratulations your story was really great and amazing.

Alexandra: leider ist mir dieses Mal das Ende zu rasch gekommen und auch die Beschreibung von Zärtlichkeiten war sehr zurückhaltend

Kathleen: Wunderbar geschrieben, eine mega tolle story und spannend von anfang bis Ende. Weiter so! Gerne mehr <3

A: Ich liebe die Geschichte und bin auf die Fortsetzung gespannt

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