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Silent Kill:Battered Memories


Harry Mason must look for his daughter in the most boring Installment of the series.

Humor / Horror
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Silent kill:Battered Memories

2/27/10 8:59 pm

A/N:I just got through Shattered Memories (I now know what boredom is) so now I can start the parody.

Chapter 0:I

The scene is seen through a camera.A hyperactive little girl runs over to her father.

Father:".Calm down,calm down!"

WHAM! The father punched the little girl in the face,knocking her picked her up,threw her in the backseat of his car,and drove scene skips further,now the Father and little girl were at some kind of fair.

Little girl:"Look 's do this."

The father was eating a bag of peanuts.


They got behind this cardboard cutout thing and smiled for the camera.

Little Girl:"I love my daddy."

Someone was watching this tape and kept rewinding the part where the little girl said "I love my daddy".The viewer was none other than doctor K,the creepy guy from the first Silent went over to the counter,grabbed a bottle of wine,sat down on the couch and turned on the tv as he took a big swig from his bottle.

TV:"I'm Rick James Bitch!"

Suddenly his buzzer buzzed,he moaned and answered it.


Buzzer:"Your new paitient is here."

Dr.K:"Good,send bleep in."

Meanwhile,some idiot is driving his car during a massive snow suddenly swerved and ran straight into a pole.

To be continued...

Now a new short feature..

Leon XIII's game reviews #1:Silent Hill:Shattered Memories

I'm sitting in a chair in front of a fireplace.

Me:"Hi,and welcome to this new short feature of I express my comments on various video is my most recent one,Shattered first I thought I would love this game,but after an hour of it,nothing could be more wrong."

I throw my book at the wall and stand up on the chair.

Me:"I WAS AWFUL! The gameplay was fine,but those puzzles were extremely easy,thanks to the strategy guide,and it was soooooo boring that you couldn't fight the enemies,you couldn't even punch them! In my opinion,you should ignore this game you want to see the endings,go on you want a game where you have to run away from enemies,stick with Echo Night,at least it has good Music."

I sit back down and start playing Prototype.


A/N:R&R,I really am about to play prototype! I hope this is the first parody of this entry.

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