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Life Happens


An alternate universe for Robbie Lewis and Laura Hobson from Inspector Lewis. A world where they explored their feelings much sooner than the series ever did.

Romance / Humor
Age Rating:

Chapter 1

She watched him from across the crowded pub. He looked miserable. Surrounded by boisterous, laughing, happy people and he was a bit of a grump. Taking a last sip from her drink she wound her way through the room.

“I think it’s against the law to be so miserable at your own leaving party.”

Taking a deep sip of his drink he smiled at her, “Then it’s good I’m surrounded by coppers. Perhaps one of them will arrest me and I won’t have to leave.”

“You know most people would be thrilled to be going to a beach paradise for two years.”

Draining his drink, he motioned to the bartender for another. “Well I guess I’m not most people.”

She touched his hand, “What if, rather than another drink, we go for a walk?”

“Are you suggesting we ditch out on my leaving party, Dr. Hobson?”

“With as much booze as is flowing, I don’t think they will miss us. Unless you would rather stay here and act miserable?”

The bartender returned with his drink. He tossed it back easily, “Who says it’s an act?”

Concern etched her face, “I’ll throw in some chips.”

The hint of a smile crossed his face, “You do drive a hard bargain Dr. Hobson.”

She turned, walking toward the door, comfortable in the knowledge he would follow her. Outside she waited. He was unsteady on his feet. Faking cold, she took his arm to help steady him. Carefully she guided him to his favorite chip stand where they placed an order. They waited then walked to a bench along the edge of the river, chips in hand.

Silence fell between them as Robbie devoured his then took the remainder of hers when offered. She watched him from the corner of her eye, he seemed slightly steadier. “Care to walk?”

“Do you mind if we just sit here for a few minutes?”

“Not at all, Robbie. We can do whatever you like.”

Silence settled over them once again, “I’m scared to leave.” Her small hand covered his much larger one but she didn’t speak. “What if everything changes…more than it already has?”

She shrugged, “It’s going to change, whether you are here or not.”

“You think I should go.”

Her voice was quiet but confident, “Yes, I do.” When he didn’t answer she continued, “You’re lost, Robbie. Every corner of Oxford has a memory. You need some distance. Maybe then…”

“Maybe then what?”

“Maybe then you can find yourself.” The hurt etched on his face was a knife to her heart. If she could take it all away she would, “I’ll miss you.”

“Care to come help me pack?”

She blinked, “You’re not packed yet?”

He laughed, “The house is packed, everything boxed or sold.”

“Where are you staying?”

“At a hotel. I only packed a few clothes and some photos. I’ll buy what I need when I get there.”

“I’ve a better idea. Why don’t I drive you to your hotel and help you pack? Then you can come stay at mine.” At his skeptical look she smiled, “I’ll throw in a hot cooked breakfast and a ride to the airport.”

He smiled, “You don’t have to Laura.”

Standing, she took his hand, “I know, I want to.”

Taking her hand, he stood, “It seems you’ve made me an offer I can’t refuse.”

Further Recommendations

brendapalmore949: This was areal intence book . Eve remember how many times my heart dropped for her .Christian was awesome he was always by her side if not for him ,I don’t think she would have made it at all .Great book Great author.

mannygb1: Excellent story, great build up wirh a beautiful emotional end. Looking forward to a follow up. Kids, Wes getting laid etc

prestonkeena21: Freaking Awesome 😎

norinhaeins: Das Buch ist/war klasse. Der Schreibstil ist super angenehm zu lesen. Die Geschichte ist auch spannend und hat einen klaren roten Faden. Vorallem die Beziehungen, Geschwisterlich als auch Liebesmäßig, wurden super schön dargestellt.Ich liebe die Aussagen dieser Geschichte, zum Beispiel das jeder ...

Amena Marzouk: I like this story so far

24Unveiled58: Can’t wait to read more

babeesrwthy: Es ist ein emotionales und mitreißendes Buch, das mich echt begeistert hat. Diese Liebe zwischen den Hauptcharaktären hat man so krass gefühlt. Ein Muss für alle, die Geschichten über Freiheit und Selbstfindung lieben aber auch ganz viel Liebe spüren wollen.

Opeoluwa Abati: Great story line. Romantic, engaging, interesting, entertaining, hilarious, great characters and enjoyable throughout the whole series.

Astroluck: I absolutely love this book I can’t stop reading it I have to go do something and had to stop in the middle of when she had just gotten kidnapped and I was so excited to keep reading

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Brenda Young: Really good! Look forward to readin the next one!! 👍🏼

mandy: Du hast einen guten Stil zu schreiben. Hier und da noch ein paar Rechtschreibfehler, aber im Großen und Ganzen macht es Spaß deine Geschichte zu lesen. Weiter so.

ZzzleepyOwl: Mir gefällt die Geschichte sehr gut vor allem weil es sich flüssig lesen lässt und die Dialoge natürlich rüberkommen. Beide Charaktere sind authentisch und ihre Ängste, Sorgen und die aufkommenden Gefühle nachvollziehbar.Bitte weiter so

Bianca: Der 2. Teil wird sehnsüchtig erwartet 🤗Wie geht es weiter .....

Kerri Burch: I like the story

Mareike: Ein sehr spannendes Buch, mit Wölfen, Familie, Bindung und Liebe. Man kann es nur weiterempfehlen!!!

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