Waiting Room Observations


Sitting waiting and observing.

Mystery / Other
Gina Mae Callen
Age Rating:

Waiting Room Observations

He sat there.

For him life had gone on hiatus.

Nothing mattered until the surgeon came out with the news.

The cold air running through the building made him shiver and he looked around as he sat in the cafeteria at the hospitals entrance. He was amazed that life was going on around him.

A mom, dad and two small children walked into reception asking which ward their beloved grandmother was on. A young woman and a boy of about nine waited behind them to ask about her husband, both were swiftly dealt with and then dispatched to their destinations.

Porters pushed patients through the hospital from wards to appointments or vice versa. Two paramedics stopped at the coffee kiosk on their break before they went back to saving lives.

Another young woman left the building carrying a newborn baby, a boy according to the balloon her husband carried. A new life starting and yet still his was stopped.

People watched him, watching them.

A few sent concerned looks his way, occasionally someone would ask if they could join him at the table as the cafeteria filled up and then emptied as people moved on. Apart from a nod, he would say nothing.

He watched as pharmaceutical representatives got lunch, coffee or a snack, chatting with the doctors in line hope desperately to win a new prospective client and make a sale.

Still he waited…

The lunch rush stilled and the entrance quietened down.

His phone rang; his team, concerned for their friend and teammate, rang him for information.

He was terse; he had no news to share with them and told them to all go home until he knew more.

He let out a sly smile as he imagined the argument at the office as to which one would make the call.

He was not surprised when she called she was his favorite.

He loved her and she in turn loved them all equally.

He told her that he knew nothing, he waited as she panicked he reassured her, calmed her down and he waited.

Part of him felt cheated.

Why was the world still turning? Didn't they know? Didn't they care?

They should all be waiting, the whole world, with baited breath.

Finally, he looked up surprised.

He was there.

"But I thought you were shot? They said you might die." He said hoarsely

The other man grinned although there was a slight hint of pain and sadness behind his eyes.

"But Boss….you didn't give me permission to die." He said simply.

Because in his world that explained everything.

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younguns: Please tell me there is more!! Great book

Monica: I love this book and I will let my sisters know to read it

Rosenorton: This book was really good. It keeps you guessing to the end. Just when you think you have it figured out, no that is not it. Wonderful book just the way I like them.

luceeeyore: Great writing Lindsey. You always keep us wanting more.

sanny: Als ich zu lesen anfing,konnte ich nicht mehr aufhören. Super schöne Geschichte 👍👍

Jelena: End is just perfect, stupid totally deserved that. I like the story it is refreshing, because let's face it not all happy endings have to be with boy gets a girl. The girl gets even is more my flavour anyway.

Ranae: Fucking fantastic read! Finish it in 2 days, couldnt put it down. Definitely qualifies as a page turner.

MinJeonji: Este libro me fascina, me sentí tan triste cuando lo quise releer y lo habían eliminado pero me alegra mucho estar releyendo aunque sea en otra aplicación.

Luciana Alexandra: I like the story .I like the caracter of Isla and her courage

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Diana Narvaez: The book was different from the other stories of werewolves. Wish there was an epilogue to see about Louise and Jo destiny.

abmonet85: Spannend,freue mich schon aufs weiterlesen! Nachvollziehbare Handlung mit ungewissem Ausgang Überraschende ,nicht erwartete Wendungen! Das Lesen macht viel Spaß!

Matkat: Mir hat die Geschichte sehr gut gefallen

ledlowmichael: Enjoying the story but Abigail has been put through many tests and now has found her mate just to lose it again plus her mother and the unborn baby interested it where this story goes

verve: Nicely written. Natural, real.

Cerise 🍒 : Oups ! Je l’ai lu d’une traite en quelques heures 😅Preuve qu’il est captivant

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