Into the malestrom
I ran in the deep, past the sable towers, no, trees, as big as towers, high as mountains, yet they could not hide me. I ran betwixt mountains but what I ran from even mountains could not keep.
I hid behind one and listened with heaving breadths swallowed by the ancient silence, breadth and footsteps had long since fell here, a fading memory, now renewed to these ancient things. They still follow, I felt it more than I knew it. I ran until the forest of towers fell into verdure waters.
It was a green lake with turbulent swirling waters. It flowed with a massive force, rushing and crashing into the chasm at its center, the swallowing pit of the maelstrom. I was overwhelmed by it as if just by looking it would draw me in. Still I felt them, closer this time still coming, heard them, closer, reaching, this could not be the end, closer...
The chasm gave a guttural sound as something gargantuan was belched up and crashed through the pith's rim of cascading waters. They're demonic nicher grew more distinct. It was a stone platform where only one may stand held up by descending stairs. closer. She ascended, grey skeletal hands upon black staff, hair and cloak swaying with the force of the strom's powerful spirals.
"Come! Hurry to me" it echoed from her blue gaze though it was never spoken. A sweet delicate voice stirred like the waters with such trepidation, so much fear. It frightened me more, the urgency in which she called. They reached.
The wail reached through my flesh and bones to push my soul, so my body followed away from the grip of green hands into the jaws of unnatural green waters. It swirled at my feet as if I was not there, no, as if it was not there. They screamed, Oh fates, let them not follow. Her dead hands, ghostly blue stare, I was being drawn to her, riders in the water, reached for that exsiccated fleshless hand, brushed my hair, the darkness enclosed us and with one last upward gaze, the portal closed upon the emerald fury of a screaming wight's face...