Ghosts of the Mind (On Hold)

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Depressed, just moved into a new house and unable to cope, Ray just thinks those sounds are from the wilderness surrounding him. He learns soon enough the house is haunted with the demons of sins. They aren't like the sins you remember, they help Ray out of his depression in ways you wouldn't expect.

Fantasy / Other
Age Rating:

/1/ The Sins

Lust: An intense desire. Usually thought of as excessive sexual want; though is originally a general term for desire.

Gluttony: To gulp or swallow, gluttony is the over-indulgence and over-consumption of anything to a point of waste.

Greed: Is applied to a very excessive or avid desire and pursuit of material possessions.

Sloth: Can entail different vices. Sometimes defined as physical laziness, spiritual laziness is emphasized.

Wrath: Also known as “rage”, may be described as excessive and uncontrolled feelings of hatred and anger.

Envy: Is characterized by an insatiable desire. Envy is similar to jealousy in that they both feel discontent towards someone’s traits, status, abilities, or rewards.

Pride: Is considered the original and most serious of the 7 Deadly Sins. It is identified as believing that one is essentially better than others, failing to acknowledge the accomplishments of others, and excessive admiration of the personal self.

Further Recommendations

corinne: J'adore cette histoire je m'empresse de lire la suite

Shirley: I have so far seen no grammar or spelling errors. I've reached chapter 15 and didn't have to pay for opening new chapters. I would recommend this book to all my friends.

A: Eine Gefährtin finden ist nicht leicht. Das Paar muss bestimmt noch viel durchmachen bevor es zum Happy End kommt.

Rosemarie bianca: Leider ist das Ende abrupt und ein offenes Ende. Wäre toll wenn es irgendwann weiter gehen würde

irishone2charm: Enjoying the descritiveness of the body parts and differences in species.

Dörte: Spannende und gut geschriebene Geschichte, die man in einem Rutsch durchlesen möchte. Sie hat mir sehr gefallen. Ich hoffe auf mehr.

bleicher64: Schade leider zu Ende.Fand das Buch sehr schön. Wäre schön wenn das Ende erst am nächsten Tag gewesen wäre wo sie noch ihren Bruder und das Rudel begrüßte, Versetzung wäre super

Sahula: C'était trop génial, j'adore 🥰

More Recommendations

Kelly: Congratulations your story was really great and amazing.

ethelaguayo: Love your story. I can not wait for the next chapter. Please continue.

A: Humorvoll und spannend.Ich bin auf Fortsetzung gespannt.

BookBelle: Strong character development! Loved the bears and their personalities.

user-mJ1ev6LvlD: Super zu lesen!!!

QueenWiebke: .....ein sehr lustiges und aufregedes 1. Buch der Saga! 🤗 Hab zwischenzeitlich echt abgefeiert vor Lachen......und fand es süß, wie sich nicht getraut, sie anzusprechen! 🤭😏 Freu mich schon auf Band 2! ☺️

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