1400 RADIX - The Prophecy
Nierwae’s Holding, Battling Country – Ardae
On a windy night in the blackest hour, a male creature glistened like white marble as he scrambled on all fours across the brush and dried leaves of Battling Country. Running sideways, low to the ground with the stilted movements of a twisted spider. His chin barely above the yellowed grass he clambered through. His watery bluish eyes focused on the ominous shadow of the massive castle he headed for.
So pale he nearly glowed as he twisted and writhed. Drawing every closer to the home of his Master. Already dreading the reaction to the news he carried. But knowing he dared not withhold it.
Inside the castle, an ancient demon sat on a throne dais. The huge seat carved from pure stone. Radix’s narrow frame was a stripe down the center. Only his hands could rest on the armrests due to the width of the vast seat.
Created for a far larger demon. A far less powerful one.
The floor around the dais swelled and rippled. Alive with the movements of a hundred black creatures. Gray human things clung to the edge of the throne, laying weakly on the floor and lovingly reaching to touch Radix’s feet and legs. Gray skinned women clung to him. Stroking his knees and rubbing their cheeks on his shoes.
Radix sensed the coming of the awkward man long before a look out shouted. Warning of the presence crossing the night-cast strip of grass which separated Battling trees from the holding’s bridge.
“It’s Essius, My Liege.” A well-spoken, mammoth of a creature ducked to pass through the throne room’s entrance. The demon who generally resided on the throne Radix currently commanded.
“Let him in, Nierwae.” Radix’s hoarse voice reverberated through the empty Hall. Filling it with his dark power.
“Yes, Liege.” Nierwae bowed out. His huge, bare body was shrouded in a dusting of coarse black hair. Nierwae couldn't care less about his nudity.
His rare need for brutality far outweighing such frivolous concerns as he exited the Greeting Room to fetch Essius, the crawling man.
When Nierwae returned, he brought the alabaster man, Essius, with him.
Essius clambered on all fours at the end of chain hooked to a neck shackle.
Nierwae held the other end in a massive fist.
The pale man skittered. His ducking gait sliding over the dirtied stone floor. His skin stark in the dark Hall. Blue eyes glowing almost white. Bare feet and hands maneuvered over the scatter of jagged rocks. Step cautious, he was as heedless of his bare body as Nierwae.
Often the way of demons. No longer possessing a need for human sentiment.
The rodentish creatures blackening the floor, skid from his path. Long tails flicking agitatedly.
“Essius.” Radix hissed in way of a greeting. Excited to hear what news his soothsayer had brought him on such a promisingly desolate night.
“Master, Master.” He bobbed a bald head. Weaving side to side, as he nervously approached Radix’s feet.
“Have you had a vision?”
“Yes. Yes, Master.” Essius whined.
“You, Master.” He clumsily leaned up to put hands on Radix’s knees, lapping the back of Radix’s withered hand.
“I’ve fears. Bad, bad visions.” Essius said quickly. Nearly whimpering at delivering the bad news.
Radix leaned forward in the stone seat to hear what the albino creature had to say. Knowing Essius’ visions were highly accurate.
“A silver hair will Fall. And when her mate unlocks her power, she will be your undoing. You must keep the wolves from finding her. Or she'll be his.”
“You come to me with this?” Radix launched to his feet. Backhanding the white man-thing.
Creatures stirred to life all over the Throne floor.
Giant dogs stood, snarling. Bark-coated backs rippling. In a subconscious reflection of the demon master's dissension.
Bigger creatures with frail front legs reared up on hind ones. Standing over twelve-foot tall and drawing Essius’ nervous eye.
The rodents crisscrossed the floor in a jumbling mass.
“There more. There more!” Essius whimpered as he scampered off the dais, to cower at Nierwae’s feet. Eying the monsters and their master as he covered his head. Squinting his eyes closed and trembling.
“If…If you hold her,” Essius uncovered his head and rose to ease a couple steps closer on all fours. “she’ll be your greatest weapon.”
“Who is she?”
“She’s not fallen yet, Master.”
“She’s a Watcher?”
“For now. She will fall. Soon, soon!"
“I hate that you always speak in riddles, you Little Wretch!” Radix’s eyes turned a lava shade as he hopped off the dais. Far too agile for this withered frame, to violently kick Essius.
Who huddled in a ball. His whimpers echoing throughout the great stone Holding and out into the quiet night.