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One too much

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Camping trip as child that haunts them still after year ....

Horror / Thriller
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When i was child me and my friends used to go camping into woods near by . It as fun tradition for years , nice ending for the summer before the school started again .

Out of all the many summer camping trips one stands out for one reason, reason that makes the hair on my neck still stand .

It was back in 1965 when me and my friends where 13 years old we had the camping trip that got stuck to our minds still now 30 years later , camping trip that broke our yearly tradition .

You might wonder what happened , well that is why i am now doing this to explain it and maybe stop nightmare that has haunted me for 30 long years .

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Andrew Komarnyckyj: This is a terrific (short) horror story. I really enjoyed it. I'll be reading more of M S Gahn's stories and recommending this one. My only criticism (and this is to be a pedant) is that there were a few typos in it. But don't be put off by that very modest number of tiny glitches. The story is w...

Flamenco Flamingo: This was a great story! Once I read part one, I loved it, but I was also a bit unsatisfied that it left a bit of a cliffhanger. Once I found out about part two, however, I didn't waste a second to read it, and it was worth every single second! Quality is amazing with lots of unpredictable twists ...

Val: Estaría muy loco de mi parte querer algo así? Es que ES MUY BELLO Y ME ENCANTA ASI TODO BELLO POSESIVO, CELOSO KQBDKWBD 😳🥵

Renata: Me encantó, es muy interesante, ojalá y tenga continuidad

Andrew: Me encanta lo sobrenatural

KisaPrz: Mir hat dein Buch sehr gut gefallen! Zu Beginn das Aufeinandertreffen von Max und Sara, die Entwicklung ihrer Geschichte und auch die daraus entstandenen Nebenschauplätze. Zum Ende wurde es mehr ein Krimi, in dem die Bösewichte zur Strecke gebracht werden mussten, die Liebesgeschichte viel dadur...

Marnie: Love this story, best Halloween anyone could hope for.

Samantha Nichols: I just like the story. It's got a great beginning and I am hoping that it just gets better and better

Maria C: Very well written paranormal romance story with strong plot and characters. Good job. Please keep writing. MR.

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Ceolstar: Love it. Please update soon.

theinvisible: This was an original book, with a lot of new ideas. I did enjoy reading it. I bit more backstory on how Val and Elaina came to be together would have elevated the stroy. There were a lot of interesting twists and turns, along with some questionable moments. It was a great book, would totally reco...

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Majari Atzin: Baek brujito + Yeol lobo= ✨ PERFECCIÓN ✨🥵🔥

Genevieve: I like the book and I would tell people to read,there’s some words spelled wrong but who cares

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