Love Always

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Jessica Stone is a troubled young girl, and at 18 years old has spent most of her life parenting her younger sister, Katy. Determined to prevent Katy following her footsteps, she writes letters to her

Mystery / Other
Mackenzie Angell
Age Rating:



Jessica Stone is a troubled young girl, and at 18 years old has spent most of her life parenting her younger sister, Katy. Determined to prevent Katy following her footsteps, she writes letters to her explaining life decisions she made when she was younger. Jess is gorgeous, with her pale, nearly pasty skin, and thin, dainty brown hair that snapped at the slightest touch. Obsessed with perfection, Jess often found herself in difficult decisions, and as a result developed serious anxiety concerns. Yet through all the trouble in her life, and her rapid requirement to grow up, she still managed to find an ounce of love and care for her younger sister. She still managed to sacrifice everything to educate, care for and feed Katy. Despite this, she dreamt day in and day out of travelling to Toronto, Canada and becoming someone new, alongside Katy.

Katy Stone, on the other hand, was a delicate rose. She had tanned skin that made her stand out in their New York town of Lockport. Katy’s silver-strung hair, all natural, and glowing crystal blue eyes, made her the more attractive sibling. Although struggling with similar problems to Jess, she managed to stay slightly more stable, and protected than Jess. Mostly due to the sheltered nurture provided by her older sister. A mere two years difference, a 16 year old Katy, is halfway through her Junior year, attempting to tackle the exact same subjects as her sister, in a disturbing attempt to recapture Jess’s spirit, killed by trauma and struggle.

The two girls look remarkably different, though sisters, and had a bond so strong no one could break it even in death. The only commonality being their extremely smart nature, and devotion to achieving highly in all aspects of life. As well as their brainpower, the sisters were loners, and only relied on each other, as they felt severe distrust for other people – most likely caused by the sudden departure of their mother from such young ages combined with the alcoholic behaviours displayed by a neglectful father.

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younguns: Please tell me there is more!! Great book

Monica: I love this book and I will let my sisters know to read it

Rosenorton: This book was really good. It keeps you guessing to the end. Just when you think you have it figured out, no that is not it. Wonderful book just the way I like them.

luceeeyore: Great writing Lindsey. You always keep us wanting more.

sanny: Als ich zu lesen anfing,konnte ich nicht mehr aufhören. Super schöne Geschichte 👍👍

Jelena: End is just perfect, stupid totally deserved that. I like the story it is refreshing, because let's face it not all happy endings have to be with boy gets a girl. The girl gets even is more my flavour anyway.

Ranae: Fucking fantastic read! Finish it in 2 days, couldnt put it down. Definitely qualifies as a page turner.

MinJeonji: Este libro me fascina, me sentí tan triste cuando lo quise releer y lo habían eliminado pero me alegra mucho estar releyendo aunque sea en otra aplicación.

Luciana Alexandra: I like the story .I like the caracter of Isla and her courage

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Diana Narvaez: The book was different from the other stories of werewolves. Wish there was an epilogue to see about Louise and Jo destiny.

abmonet85: Spannend,freue mich schon aufs weiterlesen! Nachvollziehbare Handlung mit ungewissem Ausgang Überraschende ,nicht erwartete Wendungen! Das Lesen macht viel Spaß!

Matkat: Mir hat die Geschichte sehr gut gefallen

ledlowmichael: Enjoying the story but Abigail has been put through many tests and now has found her mate just to lose it again plus her mother and the unborn baby interested it where this story goes

verve: Nicely written. Natural, real.

Cerise 🍒 : Oups ! Je l’ai lu d’une traite en quelques heures 😅Preuve qu’il est captivant

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