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this story is about a boy who froze himself not in ice in time....

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Chapter 1


There was a UN-thankful UN-grateful DIS-obedient child named Frank. He LOVED to through pranks the two words FR...

Further Recommendations

Amber: This was a really awesome book. It is a must-read. I read The Hunt preview and can wait till it's completed.

flveronique: I absolutely love the way this author writes. I get lost in the characters and can’t stop reading until the end. And then I’m sad that I’m done.

Janelle: Beautifully written, lovely and heartwarming. Spicy and has all the right sexy touches to it. I love the fierceness in how they love one another. Thank you for sharing it with us ❤

quilinejj: I think the story is interesting, as are the characters. The plot is reasonable and holds the readers attention.Unfortunately it could do with a serious edit. There's so many typo's and repeated sentences, incorrect gender usage ie. 'he' when it should be 'she', etc. The sheer volume of these mis...

Amber: Not really sure how the dad didn’t know how is mom really was but still a good book

patriciafranklin: I'm enjoying the story, it is intriguing. I can't wait to read the rest of the book.

Matkat: Mir hat die Geschichte sehr gut gefallen

dark7113222: Thought story was really good and enjoyed it

Becka: Superbe histoire que je l'ai dévorée en peu de temps

More Recommendations

Amanda: It is a really compelling story. Even in the worst imaginable situation it is possible to find the people that are willing to stand by you and help you.

Ilima Garcia: Hope to read longer stories from this author!!! Love it!

Sandrine: Une histoire inattendue bien développée et bien écrite qui met en haleine. Des personnages parfaitement décrits avec des personnalités parfois complexes L'attente de la suite est pressente

Emily: Excellent story. Read this, now.

Vanessa: Me gustó mucho

dtjenkins5: A good read with all the complexities of relationships. The twists and turns of the plot add a special dimension.

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