Will i be free?

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Irish is born normal like others as well as he had a perfect abd lovely family, not until her father died in car accident while her mother lost her memory and marry another man. Will Irish live as past?

Other / Thriller
Hannah De Castro
Age Rating:


I have a better life and lovely family everyone said that I have a perfect life I am rich and recieved a love of parent.

But that is all in past.

Not until when I was 6 years old my both parent got to an accident that my father died and my mother lost her memory, as well as soon my mother get well she couldn't remember me and my own mother want to abandoned me but the police against it, that cause my mother look me with irritated in her eye and soon my mother married another man.

3 years have passed

My mother shout at me and said "It's all your fault if you haven't appear then me and my husband would never be in this situation!" She look at me in my eye with disgusted look, while me covering my head and frightened by her eye as if I couldt see my mother side anymore.

Further Recommendations

Amber: This was a really awesome book. It is a must-read. I read The Hunt preview and can wait till it's completed.

Vanessa: Me gustó mucho

flveronique: I absolutely love the way this author writes. I get lost in the characters and can’t stop reading until the end. And then I’m sad that I’m done.

Diana: I am not into the sex parts of the book.. Honestly when those paragraphs started I skipped onto the rest of the story. Never would have guessed who the vilian was so that was great. Thought it was a series on here that was why began reading. It is not a full series on here you have to purchase th...

Maike: Tolle, kurze, spannende, blutige und erotische Geschichte. Es war alles dabei, was so eine Geschichten lesenswert macht. Und es einem nicht leicht macht, sie aus der Hand zu legen.Die Charaktere sind einprägsam und toll umschrieben.Bin begeistert 🥰👍

Gayle: This book was wonderful. True to real life and what damage abuse can cause.

Jelena: End is just perfect, stupid totally deserved that. I like the story it is refreshing, because let's face it not all happy endings have to be with boy gets a girl. The girl gets even is more my flavour anyway.

gfm: I love this book. The author did a fantastic job. Building the characters the story is developing nicely touching on different aspects of their lives. No unnecessary dialogue it’s so beautifully done i don’t want the book to end lol. The author of “The Carrero Contract - Amending Agreements” shou...

scarbrough71: Enjoyed reading 💜 loved the family they created 💜💜

More Recommendations

Matkat: Mir hat die Geschichte sehr gut gefallen

Heatken76: Great book!!! Love the story line. You done a great job. I didn’t want it to end

Alexandra Rods: Me esta facinando la novela, cuando vi la portada supe que iba a ser interesante.😍😉Wow no puedo creer lo interesante que esta, ya quiero leer que es lo que se aproxima en adelante.🤔😜😎

Sandrine: Une histoire inattendue bien développée et bien écrite qui met en haleine. Des personnages parfaitement décrits avec des personnalités parfois complexes L'attente de la suite est pressente

user-QPRo7vwREB: Ich finde die Handlung von der Story sehr gut.Sie ist spannend und regt dazu an weiter zu lesen.Ich freue mich aufs weiterlesen.

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