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After the successful publishing of POETRY OF NO GENRE part 1 and 2 to critical acclaim and the delight of poetry lovers across the Lagos socialsphere .. Joseph Jasper Ellah AKA Joe Ellah is ready to treat his followers this summer to the 3rd installment of Poetry Of No Genre Series (PONG3).. With an abstract expression of complex emotions, captivating storytelling plots and employing simple poetic techniques such as Hyperbole, Repetition, Allegory, Oxymoron, Metaphors, Alliteration and Rhyme.. the one time Runner-Up for the Wole Soyinka's LUMINA Prize for Literature Awards.. Whom many people came across as a viral Audiomack Rapper (some others as a Graphics Designer and Waiter) craftsfully shows us why he's a wordsmith and lyricist to be reckoned with in Lagos Nigeria and Africa as a continent. Follow @LifeOfEllah Fasten your seat-belt take a trip in the train of thought of one of Lagos Nigeria's most talented and Vibrant Poets under 30.. Joe Ellah PONG3™

Poetry / Adventure
Joe Ellah
Age Rating:

LGLAR (Long Gone Like A Rifle)

I get these visions of you and me

Sunset, silhouettes and shadows

long red gown

flapping in the night breeze

there's you heading uphill

against the stinging chill

all for a dollar

and maybe the thrill of it

recurring visions hit me

this time, they sting

my arms lash out

to grip a scene

to freeze and peek

to feel, at least

but Like a rifle

they're long gone

Long enough to trick the mind

Long enough for my eye to see

nothing but a glimpse

of nothing

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BlondeCookie: I love a good falling in love with a billionaire book, and this one certainly delivers! The story is amazing and it takes place in the tropics so the descriptions are stunning and you can just imagine yourself in paradise! The writing is perfection and if you don’t read this book you’re missing o...

Maike: Ich liebe es 🥰 Von allem ist was dabei und super dosiert.Absolute Empfehlung meiner Seits.Klitzekleine Fehler übergehe ich demonstrativ und will sie nicht erwähnen. 🥰🫶Freu mich auf den 2. TeilMach bitte weiter so 💕

Jordan: This author is great and I’d love to see more books. This was a fast read with a good plot and spicy love story. I thoroughly enjoyed it and recommend to all. Love the fierce female lead! It was great to have a solid book without bdsm, fantasy, sci fi, vampire, shifter etc.

kelleybarnett1963: I really enjoyed reading this book.

Poto: Awesomeness 👌

Annie Vu: Truly enjoyed this authors take on shifter story. Unique with plenty of plots to read through.

Maria C: Love it. Very well written paranormal romance story with strong plot and characters. Great job. Please keep writing. MR.

PandaMonium: The book overall was great. It was different to what I thought it would be so I was happy. But the story was kinda jumpy. The scenes changed out of no where, the person that it was in view of, changed unexpectedly at times too. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed the book, but something's also n...

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Alyssa: I truly enjoyed it, and I hope you would update it more.

julie: Will we ever get an update ?

Ann-Jeanette Lehtinen: I looooove this novel

Hellen Ruth: Well thought of. Interesting

Allison wright: Hoping for more

Danie: This was such a cute book! It’s a Robin Hood story with a supernatural twist that seems to fit perfectly within the various Robin Hood stories.

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