The Mafia Don I dug from the grave!

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I'm torn. Should I help him? I can't just leave him to die. I mean he was still alive when he was buried. Arrrrggh! I scan the area and when I'm sure that the coast is clear. I look for the shovel and start to dig up. The adrenaline rush helps me to dig fast. After 10 minutes I hit something hard with the shovel. Lily Fiore: The shy girl that nobody notices but is now trying to overcome her past and anxiety. Salvatore Ugo: The only heir to one of the biggest Mafia on the underground society. He is hot headed and always gets what he wants. This is the story of how Lily saves Salvy and how Salvy loves and saves her in return.

Romance / Drama
4.5 25 reviews
Age Rating:

Chracters & Author's Note


Lily Fiore Anderson (Danielle Boker)

Salvatore Ugo Maranzano (Giulio Berruti)

Ricco De Luca (Tyson Ballou)

Matteo De Luca (Taylor Zakhar Perez)

Lorenzo Gino Maranzano (Pietro Boselli)

William James Smith (Cole Sprouse)

Iris Fleur Anderson (Amybeth McNulty)

Chloe Ann Garcia

Ethan Chase Harris

Andrea Emilia Maranzano

Andrei Emilio Maranzano

Beatrice Camila Esposito

Parents of Andre, Andrea and Lorenzo: Angelina Maranzano and Emilio Maranzano

Parents of Salvatore: Valerius Maranzano and Mariella Maranzano

Father of Lily and Iris: Lucas Anderson


Hello there! This is my first time publishing a story. English is not my first language. Please be kind and sweet to me. This is my original story. I did not copy it from anyone or anywhere. It all came from my weird not so little head.

There will be some parts where some of you will think that the Main lead is overacting or overthinking but that is just how her anxiety affects her.

Thank you and I hope that you guys will enjoy the story.

Further Recommendations

Charline: L'histoire est vraiment captivante et très bien décrite par l'auteur. C'est la première fois que je lis ce genre de livre et j'ai beaucoup apprécié aussi, je vais m'empresser de lire la suite. Merci infiniment pour ce roman

Emily: Loved this story. I actually snorted a few times reading it! It’s very good. Read it!

Melissa Barbosa: I am only on page 53 and HOLY FREAKIN MOLY!! It is so good….i started reading it about 30-45 minutes ago. I have only stopped to give this review. Will edit once I’m done reading it.

Chrissy05: Good startFeels like I’m reading my life store but being picked up from the hospital can’t at the moment put the novel down

KS: Eine wunderschöne story! Sehr lieblich,emotional und niedlich geschrieben!

BelDun3: I love the storyline. How will Reece handle both? Looking forward to seeing how this goes as I am at the start of the relationships. Love, love this so far. Great writing with a few errors. But you still understand what is happening,

Terry-Ann: I like the storyline very much.The pace is different. Slow for a change. Slow is good. Looking forward to finishing it.

BookBelle: Strong character development! Loved the bears and their personalities.

Rebecca: Love it want more why did it end like that is there more if there is please hurry I can't wait i love this book want more ..

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feldernadja: Es ist gut geschrieben, leider ist die übersetzung nicht ganz fehlerfrei

Kathrin Gerstner: Ich bin schon eine Zeitlang um das Buch „herumgeschlichen“. Irgendwie hat mir der Klappentext aber immer nicht so gefallen. Gestern Abend habe ich dann aber doch mal das Lesen angefangen und war so gefesselt, dass ich heute jede freie Minute gelesen habe - super tolle Geschichte! Freue mich schon...

user-mJ1ev6LvlD: Super zu lesen!!!

Bianca: Der 2. Teil wird sehnsüchtig erwartet 🤗Wie geht es weiter .....

Sonja Brunner: Hoffe es geht bald weiter. Die Geschichte ist interessant und ich würde gerne wissen wie es weitergeht

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