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"Was I Just A Bet?"

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What do you when your coldhearted father tries ruin your life?

Romance / Thriller
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Chapter 1

Luka's Pov

I sat with my father and best friend,Jake at the dinner table eating lunch.My Father never has much time for me,because he is the boss of the Kingdon Mafia Clan.My mother left him when i was three and ran off with my dad's best friend and started a new family due to my father's cold heart.I spaced out every now and then while eating "Are you okay Lulu?" Asked Jake using my nickname he gave me years ago.Before i could respond i heard "Hands off Jake" i looked at my dad and seen him glaring at our intertwined hands.We let go as i looked at my dad using my best possible puppy dog eyes saying "Can i go with you to work today please dad?" My dad looked at me glaring before looking back at his food saying "How many times must i tell you TO ONLY CALL ME SIR Luna."My father yelled as i looked at my food mumbling "My names Luka dad not that you care."Jake stood "Well i should be going now bye Luka bye Mr.Kingdon"Jake said walking out as i looked at my father seeing him glaring at Jakes leaving figure.Dad stood and walked away yelling "BE READY IN 10 MINUTES IF YOUR COMING WITH ME" I stood quickly running to my room to get dressed.

Further Recommendations

brendapalmore949: This was areal intence book . Eve remember how many times my heart dropped for her .Christian was awesome he was always by her side if not for him ,I don’t think she would have made it at all .Great book Great author.

dad2: Very good story. I really like the characters. Love the funny moments.

Maren K: Toll geschrieben und tolle Ausdrucksweise ich konnte nicht aufhören zu lesen und freue mich auf eine neue Werwolfgeschichte

Gayle Bays: Loving this. Can’t seem to be able to stop myself from reading

marsman49: While imperfect this author has created an engaging story that has kept me interested. I promise to follow along until the end. Proofreading skills need improvement.

24Unveiled58: Can’t wait to read more

babeesrwthy: Es ist ein emotionales und mitreißendes Buch, das mich echt begeistert hat. Diese Liebe zwischen den Hauptcharaktären hat man so krass gefühlt. Ein Muss für alle, die Geschichten über Freiheit und Selbstfindung lieben aber auch ganz viel Liebe spüren wollen.

Astroluck: I absolutely love this book I can’t stop reading it I have to go do something and had to stop in the middle of when she had just gotten kidnapped and I was so excited to keep reading

Biggirl5: This is a great bring more stories of the wolfs , they are awesome and interesting live style. Combining them with the witches' stories are enlightening ,adventurous, and breathtaking

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Artursikorski: Although the title sounds unusual, this book is a great guide for anyone who wants to start writing short, concise and informative reviews. With humor and lightness, the author guides you through the ins and outs of creating reviews that are not only helpful, but also fun to read.

sandrawhitney50: Loved it. Looking forward to the next in the series. Good writing.

Veronique: J'adore l'histoire et les personnages ainsi que l'intrigue. FĂ©licitations.

ZzzleepyOwl: Mir gefällt die Geschichte sehr gut vor allem weil es sich flüssig lesen lässt und die Dialoge natürlich rüberkommen. Beide Charaktere sind authentisch und ihre Ängste, Sorgen und die aufkommenden Gefühle nachvollziehbar.Bitte weiter so

Sonja Brunner: Hoffe es geht bald weiter. Die Geschichte ist interessant und ich wĂĽrde gerne wissen wie es weitergeht

Mareike: Ein sehr spannendes Buch, mit Wölfen, Familie, Bindung und Liebe. Man kann es nur weiterempfehlen!!!

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