Blind Fury (Book 2)

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Ash's anger after the Holy Order's betrayal, leaves his spirit and mind adrift, unsure on who to trust, including himself. He continues to search for answers to the ultimate question, of where he fits in this new world. ~ Aimee, continues to collide with her faith and finds herself isolated and alone. Unable to distinguish between duty and her emotions, only her rage prevents her from drowning in despair.

Thriller / Adventure
Zane David
5.0 1 review
Age Rating:

Princess of Light

The Princess of Light

A heart that is pure and a resolve that endures will overcome the darkness. Sacrifice will reveal the light within and lead to freedom from the deception of faith, as only the truth can be found when one silences the voices of others and listens to their heart. Only then will the meaning of the universe and its true purpose be revealed. Remain faithless, to remain free...

(the journal of Tiffany Laporte, Apostle of Uriel)

Further Recommendations

Doménèque Joana: J’ai passé un très bon moment de lecture sans prise de tête.

ELLI: Was für ein unglaublich schönes Ende... 😍😍😍

Jessica: Lobed this book! The ending was everything! Great plot and smooth read

Maike: Tolle, kurze, spannende, blutige und erotische Geschichte. Es war alles dabei, was so eine Geschichten lesenswert macht. Und es einem nicht leicht macht, sie aus der Hand zu legen.Die Charaktere sind einprägsam und toll umschrieben.Bin begeistert 🥰👍

Linda: Eine tolle Geschichte ,spannend ,packend und exotisch

Teresa Knapp: Enjoyed this story very much even with all of the spelling and grammar errors. Had a question though, What happened to the assassin?You kind of left it with her being knocked unconscious but never said what happened to her after that. Still could use some work but overall, a good story!

Eve: I gave the rating because I enjoyed the story. I liked the story like Rileys character.She’s a fighter. I would have love to read the other’s characters point of view such s the Alpha and the Beta.I would recommend to my friend who also enjoys this genre.

Cheyenne Morgan: I loved this book! I hope there’s a sequel or a book for there kids. ❤️

wenkeay: Hammer Buch kann ich nur empfehlen. Bin schon gespannt wie es weitergeht.

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Amber: I really loved this book it is a must-read I'm going to read the others now

Annie Vu: Truly enjoyed this authors take on shifter story. Unique with plenty of plots to read through.

Vinay_Kox1: Hey!I just finished reading your story "Into the Cold", and I absolutely loved it! I'd be super excited to adapt it into a comic or animation in my own style. I'm a digital artist and currently open for commission projects. I always aim to deliver work that I think you'd really enjoy, and hopeful...

countrydb1: This book is very good. I haven't been able to put it down. Intriguing. Funny in parts. This girl is badaas.

Roxann: I love this book just don't understand how you can leave it like this. I want to read more. I hope there is a book 2. A few grammar mistakes but nothing to write home about. The characters and plot were awesome. You are an amazing writer. Can't wait to read more from you. Thank you 😊

Allison wright: Hoping for more

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